• 2022 National Infertility Awareness Week

    Southwest Fertility Center is proud to support National Infertility Week https://infertilityawareness.org/ The Southwest Fertility Center team is here to support infertility patients through their journey and to be cheerleaders in helping them achieve their goal in becoming parents. About NIAW YOU ARE NOT ALONE 1 in 10 couples will have difficulty conceiving or staying pregnant, which equates […]

  • April is Testicular Cancer Awareness Month

    Each April, public awareness and education is shared during Testicular Cancer Awareness Month. Testicular cancer commonly affects young men between 20 to 40 years old, when they are in their prime age for building careers and families. Can Cause Inability To Reproduce Testicular Cancer is curable if diagnosed and treated in early stages.  In advanced […]

  • Same Sex Females Starting Families

    Dr. Vinay Gunnala hosts a special video segment on the LGBTQ community with two very special patients who have become part of the SWFC family. Claire and Nancy share their happy & successful fertility journey. Even more, we celebrate with their gorgeous baby Annie! Dr. Vinay details the process for same sex females interested in […]

  • Hope Returned

    BEAUTIFUL REVIEW FROM KRISTINA K. I am a single mother by choice with a surrogate. We switched to Southwest Fertility Center when our hopes were all but gone. We were at SWFC for only eight weeks before we had our fresh transfer. In that short 8 weeks, Southwest Fertility Center returned our hope.  We were […]

  • Thank You For Our Baby Girl!

    Beautiful Review I cannot even begin to express how grateful I am to have found Dr. Gunnala and Southwest Fertility Center. After 2 unsuccessful rounds of IVF at a different clinic, my husband and I felt defeated and started losing hope that we would have a baby of our own. We were referred to Dr. […]

  • Pineapple is Powerful Fertility Symbol

    Connecting Women Struggling with Fertility Pineapple has become an incredibly powerful symbol connecting women struggling with fertility. The pineapple is featured in many social media accounts and communities of women with infertility. Women undergoing fertility treatment are wearing clothing and jewelry with pineapple that can be purchased online through Etsy and other retailers. In some […]

  • Fertility and Endometriosis

    More About Fertility Specialists Helping Endometriosis Fertility specialists helping endometriosis are at Southwest Fertility Center.  There are several ways a fertility specialist can help patients.  https://www.womenshealth.gov/a-z-topics/endometriosis An REI is someone who is specially trained to treat infertility.  In addition, IVF is also an option to treat infertility more efficiently.  As a result, it does not waste […]

  • You Don’t Owe Anybody an Explanation

    RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association You don’t owe anyone an explanation. Not your mother. Not your sister. Not your best friend, your neighbor, or your cousin’s brother’s wife. The Choices You Make Regarding Your Infertility are Personal. They are for you (and if you have one – your significant other) and that’s it. You don’t […]

  • Beautiful Review for Southwest Fertility Center

    TESS KVALE Dr Sujatha Gunnala, Dr Vinay Gunnala and the staff and nurses at Southwest Fertility Center are some of the most important people in our lives, because they made our baby girl possible. After 6 years of trying to conceive on our own we sought out treatment. We did a year and a half […]

  • Endometriosis Often Diagnosed 5 to 10 Years After Pain

    1 in 10 Women Endometriosis affects 1 in 10 women worldwide. It can cause pain — sometimes severe. Fertility problems also may develop. Fortunately, effective treatments are available. Endometriosis is a common condition where tissue that usually lines the inside of a woman’s uterus, grows outside causing a range of symptoms, mainly pelvic pain. “It […]