Hope Returned

Hope for a baby returned by Southwest Fertility Center in Phoenix


I am a single mother by choice with a surrogate. We switched to Southwest Fertility Center when our hopes were all but gone. We were at SWFC for only eight weeks before we had our fresh transfer. In that short 8 weeks, Southwest Fertility Center returned our hope.  We were able to be excited and happy again about making this baby! Dr. Vinay Gunnala and Dr. Sujatha Gunnala made us feel like family as they genuinely cared about us and our dream of making this happen.

Our experience at SWFC restored our faith. Little things like after our transfer, as we were walking out of the office, all the staff that had a hand in our journey we’re standing in the office to tell us good luck!!  We were overcome with emotion at how many people were invested in our success. The staff who drew our blood for labs, the finance manager, the nurses and of course, the doctors. This team effort made us feel like we couldn’t lose. It was one of the most heart-warming things I have ever experienced. Even more, when we graduated to OB the caring staff sent us off with hugs while playing the graduation song over the loudspeaker  I am so thankful SWFC was suggested to me.

My only regret is not starting with SWFC originally! Now, I have a beautiful daughter who is the epitome of health and literally the most gorgeous thing I’ve ever laid eyes on. She was born 2/2/22 after only 1 transfer.  She is my little lucky charm!


Infertility treatment specialists at Southwest Fertility Center have been helping patients since 1980.  Our team of fertility specialists has established a well-earned reputation for successfully helping couples through fertility issues. When you visit our office, we will take our time to get to know you so that we can provide a set of treatment options that best fit your individual needs. We take great pride in our non-discrimination policies and we accept all patients regardless of their prior medical conditions or sexual orientation. Our staff of medical professionals is dedicated to providing you with the patience and compassion you deserve. For more information regarding our treatment options, financing, or to discuss your individual treatment needs, speak with one of our staff members today. 602-956-7481.