• Legalizing IVF for Single Ladies

    Legalizing IVF for single ladies is getting closer in France.  The bill has been in progress for many years.  The lower house and the upper house must approve the bill. Learn more about In-Vitro-Fertilization here.  https://southwestfertilitycenter.com/treatment-options/in-vitro-fertilization/  Legalizing IVF for Single Ladies Endorsing a law enabling gay couples and single ladies to use IVF is the lower […]

  • Pregnancy Success Rates Important

    Pregnancy Success Rates Important Dr. Sujatha & Dr. Vinay Gunnala of Southwest Fertility Center are pleased to announce the most recent report for pregnancy success rates.  Pregancy success rates important.  For 2017, the Society of Assisted Reproductive Technology (SART) reports that Southwest Fertility Center exceeds the national averages for women of all age groups!   About […]