Father’s Day and Male Infertility

Father's Day and Male Infertility


When people think of someone who may have infertility, few picture a man. However, It may surprise many to know that over 30% of infertility cases are related to male factor issues. Infertility is often a couple’s problem, one that must be faced as a team.

Many men who are diagnosed with male factor infertility, face an emotionally complex journey. Some experience a gambit of emasculating feelings from guilt, anger, and low self-esteem. It is essential to recognize that the male partner may be experiencing a level of emotional pain that is not different from the female whose self-worth and femininity is wrapped up in motherhood. A couple facing infertility, be it male factor, female factor, a combination or unexplained, need to communicate about what is happening to them.


There are many factors that can contribute to male infertility. Some of these problems can be structural abnormalities, sperm production disorders, ejaculatory disturbances and immunologic disorders. Perhaps it is best to break them out into 2 categories: Productive Factors and Obstructive Factors. In some cases of male infertility, the production of sperm is impacted whereas in obstructive issues cause problems with transporting the sperm to the semen.

Of course, our highest recommendation is to see a fertility specialist at Southwest Fertility Center. We understand both the emotional and physical issues. For many men that is the most difficult part of the process. An evaluation of the man must be performed by an expert with a special interest in male infertility. The reason for this is that new diagnostic and treatment methods including technically challenging sperm retrieval procedures require special training and expertise. Best to stick with the pros who know what they are doing.


Infertility treatment specialists at Southwest Fertility Center have been helping patients since 1980.  Our team of fertility specialists has established a well-earned reputation for successfully helping couples through fertility issues. When you visit our office, we will take our time to get to know you so that we can provide a set of treatment options that best fit your individual needs. We take great pride in our non-discrimination policies and we accept all patients regardless of their prior medical conditions or sexual orientation. Our staff of medical professionals is dedicated to providing you with the patience and compassion you deserve.

For more information regarding our treatment options, financing, or to discuss your individual treatment needs, speak with one of our staff members today. 602-956-7481