Adding Nuts to Diet Increases Male Fertility and Sperm Quality

New Study Confirms Nuts Elevate Sperm Quality

A new study at the University of Utah shows that men who add nuts to their diet can highly improve the quality of their sperm.

Adding a mix of nuts to the diet for 3 to 4 months dramatically improved sperm count. The research looked at the molecular process behind the changes in sperm quality after the consumption of nuts over a short period of time.

The trial was conducted on 72 men, 48 of whom were told to add 60 grams of mixed nuts per day to their “Western-style” diet.The remaining 24 men followed their usual diet and lifestyle.

Boost in DNA

Researchers found those who added nuts to their diet showed 36 genomic regions of their sperm DNA that were “significantly differentially methylated” compared to those who hadn’t consumed the nuts.Of those 36 regions, 97.2 per cent were “hypermethylated”. This means their sperm DNA is better prepared to do what it needs to do.

About Southwest Fertility Center

Infertility treatment specialists at Southwest Fertility Center have been helping patients since 1980.  Our team of fertility specialists has established a well-earned reputation for successfully helping couples through fertility issues. When you visit our office, we will take our time to get to know you so that we can provide a set of treatment options that best fit your individual needs. We take great pride in our non-discrimination policies and we accept all patients regardless of their prior medical conditions or sexual orientation. Our staff of medical professionals is dedicated to providing you with the patience and compassion you deserve.

For more information regarding our treatment options, financing, or to discuss your individual treatment needs, speak with one of our staff members today. 602-956-7481
